The AGM is a great opportunity to get up to date with what's happening, catch up with embroidery friends, or if you are thinking of joining the branch as a new member - this is the perfect time to come along and find out what the Guild is all about.
The AGM marks the end of the current branch year and the start of a new - and we're sure - a full and active one.
The day will start at 10.00 am with time for coffee and biscuits,
The AGM marks the end of the current branch year and the start of a new - and we're sure - a full and active one.
The day will start at 10.00 am with time for coffee and biscuits,
followed by our Annual General meeting from 10.30 - 11.30 am (approx.)
There will be an opportunity to:
- Buy items from our Branch Shop
- Browse the Bring-and-Buy Stall*
- See members' work on the 'Creations' Table
Do bring along pieces from past workshops, including those unfinished pieces
12.30 pm Bring-and-Share Lunch - or if you would prefer, bring your own
1.30 - 4.00 pm Making Golden Slips to start off our preparations for
next year's Regional Day
(Jenny Archer has sent information about this to members,
but if you have any queries please contact Jenny.)
*Bring and Buy - please remember to take home your items that are not sold.